Central Guadalquivir Valley

Central Guadalquivir Valley


Posadas is worth visiting solely for its location, on the very edge of the Guadalquivir River. It has about 7,400 inhabitants.

Palma de Río

Palma del Río is particularly stunning when the orange trees that line its street are out in flower and the fragrance of orange blossom fills the town. It has about 21,100 inhabitants.

La Victoria

La Victoria is home to some exceptional archaeological remains at Pago de Riaza. The village has about 2,300 inhabitants.


Hornachuelos is located on the Ruta de los Castillos, highlighted by the remains of its Arab fortress. The town is a destination that is especially appropriate for rural tourism devotees, with the Sierra de Hornachuelos Natural Park offering magnificent enclaves for game hunting, hiking, cycling or horse riding. It has about 4,500 inhabitants.


Guadalcázar has preserved various archaeological remains which have become its principal tourist attraction. The town welcomes visitors who want to enjoy the tranquillity and peace of mountainous surroundings. It has about 1,600 inhabitants.

Fuente Palmera

Fuente Palmera has two unique and legendary traditions that take place in December called ls danza de los locos (the mad people's dance) and la danza del oso (the dance of the bear). It has about 10,800 inhabitants.

Central Guadalquivir Valley

The Río Guadalquivir flows slowly westwards towards Seville through the fertile heart of Cordoba province, with some interesting towns situated on the river plain.