

Sierra Norte de Sevilla

The central section of the immense Sierra Morena is made up of the extensive and sparsely populated Sierra Norte de Sevilla Natural Park, a landscape of gently rolling hills clad in dense evergreen oaks. It's similar to the adjacent natural parks of the Sierra de Aracena y Picos de Aroche and Hornachuelos, in the provinces of Huelva and Cordoba respectively.

The Duchess of Rio Tinto by Martin Murphy

The Story of Mary Herbert and Joseph Gage. Lady Mary Herbert, daughter of the second Marquess of Powis, and her lifelong admirer Joseph Gage, were legendary 18th-century adventurers who ran the Guadalcanal and Rio Tinto mine from the late 1720s to 1740s.


The northernmost settlement on the edge of the the Sierra del Norte Natural Park, Guadalcanal is a pretty village with several Mudéjar churches and a ruined medieval castle and walls. It has about 2800 inhabitants.