Festivals in Escañuela


Cabalgata Reyes Magos
The Three Kings procession is celebrated on the evening of 5th January.

Fiesta de San Antón
Fiesta de San Antón is celebrated the 17th January.

La Candelaria
La Candelaria is celebrated the 2nd February.

Día de Andalucía
Día de Andalucía is celebrated on the 28th February.

Semana Santa
Holy Week processions, dates can vary.

Romería de la Virgen de Alharilla
Romería de la Virgen de Alharilla is celebrated the second Sunday of May.

Fiesta de La Víncula
Fiesta de La Víncula is celebrated the 1st August.

La Vinculilla
La Vinculilla is celebrated mid-September.



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