

Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park

With a total surface area of 209,920ha and covering almost a fifth of Jaen province, this is Spain's largest protected area and one its most extensive forested zones. Located in eastern Jaen province, it connects the Sierra Morena and the Subbética mountain ranges. The highest peak in this immense park is Pico Empanada at 2,107m and the entire park is higher than 600m.


Hinojares is the smallest town in the Jaén province, acquiring its name during Muslim rule, due to the abundance of fennel (hinojo) growing in its municipal district. Part of its charm lies in it being within the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park.

Tourist office - Hinojares

Tourist office - Hinojares

The tourist office of Hinojares is in the Town Hall.
Plaza de Constitución, 14
Tel: 953 738 324

Opening Times

Monday-Friday: 09.00 -14.00hrs.

Weather - Hinojares


Hinojares - if you are considering visiting this town you will be interested to check the latest weather forecast for the next few days from the table below.

This weather forecast provided by AEMET (Spanish State Meteorological Agency).

'Wind' in last row of the table below indicates wind direction by a compass letter(s); North, South, East, West and a number which is the the wind speed in km per hour.

History of Hinojares

Hinojares is the smallest town in the Jaén province, acquiring its name during Muslim rule, due to the abundance of fennel (hinojo) growing in its municipal district. Part of its charm lies in it being within the Sierras de Cazorla, Segura y Las Villas Natural Park.