Bus Services - Baeza

Bus Services - Baeza

There are bus services from Baeza to Jaén, Bailén, Úbeda, Murcia, Cazorla, Cartagena, Motril, Linares, Albacete, Andújar, Ecija, Beas de Segura and Antequera using the company, ALSA.

There are also bus services to Valencia, Sevilla, Granada, Málaga, Córdoba and Algeciras. The bus company Samar has services to and from Madrid Barajas Airport and Madrid Estacion-Sur.

ALSA provide a return bus service between Baeza and multiple destinations.


Samar provide a return bus service between Baeza and multiple destinations.


Bus Station

The bus station in Baeza is on Avenida Alcalde Puche Pardo. 

