Spanish Vignettes
Spanish Vignettes

Spanish Vignettes

Author: Norman Berdichevsky
ISBN: 8489954402
Publisher: Santana Books

Why is the rivalry between Real Madrid and Barcelona football clubs so fierce? Are Spaniards losing interest in bullfighting? How Catholic is Spain today? Do Spaniards resent foreign residents? Will Spain ever recover the sovereignty of Gibraltar?

THE STORY of spanish vignettes

These are just a few of the many questions addressed in Spanish Vignettes, an offbeat look into Spain's culture, society and history for those foreigners who want to understand and relate to what they see and hear around them.

Whilst neither an encyclopaedia nor a textbook on Spanish culture, this engaging title presents, in an immensely readable way, thirty-four topics of interest from the perspective of New York-born author Norman Berdichevsky who settled in Spain himself and laments how much his fellow expatriates miss by not being privy to those issues that move the Spanish soul.

Spanish Vignettes offers a wonderful opportunity to enrich the 'Spanish experience' through an extra dimension of insight.

Living in Andalucia