Bullfighting - Javier Conde

Javier Conde

Javier Conde is the young bullfighting local hero from Malaga.

He took the alternativa in April 1995 in Malaga where he took 3 ears. He was proposed b: Niño de la Capea and Jesulín de Ubrique was the witness. This was confirmed at Las Ventas in Madrid in April 1999.

Popular with the crowds both in and outside the ring for his natural style and striking good looks. His swept back jet black hair and slight gypsy wild look guarantees his popularity with the women aficionados.

His polite nature also make him popular with press.

In the 1998 season he fought over 40 times and took 41 ears. His season had a triumphant start following an acclaimed performance at the Real Maestranza in Seville during the Spring Fair.

