Real Monasterio de la Encarnacion

Real Monasterio de la Encarnacion

The Monastery, an old hospital restored by the Mercedarian Order in 1626, has an interesting collection of Sacred Art. The exhibition rooms of the Monastery are distributed around a portico patio with Sevillian tiles from the eight century, also highlighting its main altarpiece of 1724. In it are images such as the Cristo de la Misericordia from the sixteenth century, the Dolorosa by Francisco Meneses and a magnificent collection of Niño Jesús from the seventeenth to the eighteenth century.

The Royal Monastery of Santa Clara appears in the will of Don Jerónimo Briceño de Mendoza in 1590. Construction began in 1719, finally ending due to economic difficulties in 1756, coinciding with the installation of the nuns. The first transformation dates from 1811, when Jovellanos street was opened on the primitive orchard. In 1837, it was confiscated, settling there the Civil Government and the Provincial Delegation, having to move the nuns to the Convento de las Puras. During the Spanish Civil War, the convent was burnt down and only the church, the only original element, remains standing, since the current convent was rebuilt after the War.

Although it is open to tourist visits, it is a closed convent.

Opening Times:
15th September-15th June, Tuesday-Sunday, 10:00-14:30hrs and 16:00-18:00hrs
16th June-14th September, Tuesday-Sunday, 09:30.14:30hrs
16th June-14th September, Thursday, 09:30.14:30hrs and 19:00-21:00hrs


General: 3.50 euros

Bono Turístico Individual: 14 euros (ticket includes visits to the 6 monuments of Colegiata, Antigua Universidad, Museo de Osuna, Museo Arqueológico, Plaza de Toros and Monasterio de la Encarnación)

Bono Turístico Colectivo (for groups of 10+) 6.50 euros (includes visit to Colegiata, Monasterio de la Encarnación and Museo Arqueológico)

Tel: 950 23 46 92
