festivals in vicar

Cabalgata Reyes Magos
The Three Kings procession is celebrated on the evening of 5th January.

Carnival is traditionally celebrated in February.

San Benito (Villa de Vícar)
San Benito is celebrated the 1st April.

Semana Santa
Holy Week processions, dates can vary.

Cruz de Mayo (La Gangosa)
Cruz de Mayo is celebrated the 5th May.

Fiestas Locales (Llanos de Vícar)
Fiestas Locales are celebrated the 1st-3rd June.

Cosario is celebrated the 13th June.

Fiestas Locales (Puebla de Vícar)
Fiestas Locales are celebrated the 15th-17th June.

Fiestas Patronales
Fiestas Patronales are celebrated the 18th June.

Romería de los Pescadores
Romería de los Pescadores is celebrated the 24th June.

Fiestas Locales (La Gangosa)
Fiestas Locales are celebrated the 13th-15th July.

Virgen del Carmen
Virgen del Carmen is celebrated the 16th July.

San Cirilo (El Parador)
San Cirilo is celebrated the 21st-22nd July.

Fiestas Locales (Cabañuelas)
Fiestas Locales are celebrated the 27th-29th July.

Santo Cristo
Santo Cristo is celebrated the 14th-16th September.

Fiesta Local
Fiesta Local is celebrated the 17th September.

Romería el Cosario
Romería el Cosario is celebrated the 30th September.


See and Do