Cañete de las Torres is small but charming. Located on the Arroyo del Cañetejo, it is worth visiting for its beauty, surrounding natural environment and various historical points of interest. It has around 2900 inhabitants.


The origins of human activity in the town date to the Neolithic revolution. Findings obtained on the surface of Puentes Viejos, El Vilano, El Hornillo, Cabeza Lavada and Haza de la Virgen are all significant remains from the Bronze Age. Due to its proximity to Obulco (today's Porcuna), the Iberian civilization also passed through Cañete.

When populated by the Romans, it is likely that the town was named Calpurniana, a city founded by Calpurnio Piso, although there is no irrefutable evidence to support this theory - other sources suggest that it was founded by César in 45 A.C. It was here that the Battle of Munda against the children of Pompeyo was prepared.

During the re-conquest, Cañete de Las Torres was lost and recovered several times by the Christians because of its complex borders. Finally, Fernando III conquered the town, leaving it under the jurisdiction of the city of Córdoba. King Sancho IV of Castile asked the city of Córdoba to grant some inheritance from his term to Alfonso Fernández de Córdoba, who was then Mayor, as a reward for his services to the King and to Córdoba itself. The town changed hands until it fell under the rule of the Duke of Medinaceli, who held the Marquisate until the extinction of the manors in the nineteenth century.

In May 2011, the town suffered a serious flood in which several streets were razed by a huge body of water that washed away the homes of many locals and even took one woman's life.


Castillo Medieval and Torre del Homenaje
What remains of the thirteenth-century medieval castle are two towers, one of which is the famous Torre del Homenaje. Historical sources tell us that this castle was taken by the Emir Abdalá in the year 906. It is worth climbing the tower for the spectacular panoramic views afforded by its height. The castle is located on Plaza de España.

Ermita de Madre de Dios
The original chapel dates to the thirteenth or fourteenth century, as suggested by the appearance of the icon of the Virgin. However, the chapel that stands today dates to the sixteenth century, and can be found on Calle Madre de Dios.

Ermita de Jesús Nazareno
According to a document from 1877, this chapel was known as Ermita de Nuestra Señora de la Concepción. An interior highlight is the beautiful Mudejar carved wood ceiling. The chapel is situated on Calle de Jesús.

Iglesia de Nuestra Señora de la Asunción
The foundation of this church dates to the thirteenth century, when Don Fernando de Mesa was Bishop. However, the oldest preserved remains correspond to the fifteenth century, while most of the current building was constructed in the seventeenth and eighteenth centuries. The church is located on Avenida de Jaén.

La Tercia
This is an outstanding example of civil architecture in the region of Córdoba, and was originally used as a grain store. It is located on Calle Crsitobal Colon.

Museo Histórico Municipal
The Municipal Historic Museum of Cañete was created by a plenary agreement on June 23, 1983. In 1986 the House of Culture was inaugurated and the Museum was moved to its ground floor. The Museum consists of archaeological remains from different periods, including pieces from the Paleolithic, Chalcolithic, Bronze, Colonization, Iberian Culture, Roman, Visigothic and Moorish eras. It also has an important collection of votive offerings. The collection can be found on the Plaza de España.

Opening Times:
Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00-13:00hrs.
Saturday, 17:00-19:00hrs (Winter)
Saturday, 19:00-21:00hrs (Summer)
Price: Free Entrance
Tel: 957 18 37 08

Offers a guided tour service upon request and good disabled access.

El Huerto Francés
This neighbourhood stands out for its incredible beauty. It was rejuvenated in 2015 and is now unique for its narrow streets, which are painted blue and lined with hanging baskets.


Parque Arqueológico de Torreparedones
The Archaeological Park of Torreparedones, also known by other names (Torre de las Vírgenes and Castro el Viejo), is renowned for its collection of remarkable vestiges demonstrating the occupation of the area in antiquity. The site was inhabited from the end of the Neolithic period until the beginning of the sixteenth century, reaching its maximum splendour in the Iberian and Roman eras, when it achieved the status of colony or municipality. The most significant findings correspond to these eras. The accidental discovery in 1833 of the so-called "Mausoleum of the Pompeii", a monumental tomb containing the incinerated remains of 12 people of the same family, with their names engraved on stone urns, was a milestone in the history of the site. It attracted the attention of numerous national and international researchers. It has a visitor reception centre and ample parking, and can be found off the A-3125, at KM18.8.

Opening Times:
Wednesday-Monday and Holidays, 10:00-14:00hrs.
Access closes at 13:00hrs.
Price: Adult, 2.00 euro
Children and Over 65, 1.00 euro
A discounted price also applies to students, disabled visitors, large families, and groups of more than 10 people. Previously groups are free.
Tel: 957 67 17 57.

Cueva del Yeso
Cueva del Yeso stands out as the only existing cavity in the Guadalquivir Valley of hydrographic origin, and for housing rare species. These include a large colony of endangered bats as well as various species of prawns that only thrive in this cave, as studies from European, Canadian and Chilean researchers have shown. The cave has two floors, with a route of about 180-200m, passing through various lakes and passing cavities up to 12m deep. The cave can be found off the A-3125, KM17.


Traditional handicrafts still produced in Cañete de las Torres include leatherwork and esparto grass weaving.


When visiting Cañete de las Torres, try local dishes such as flamenquines (deep-fried breaded and stuffed pork rolls), albóndigas (meatballs), tortillitas de garbanzos (fried chickpea dumplings), migas (fried bread with chorizo), carnerete (similar to bubble and squeak), gazpacho and cocido (chickpea and meat stew).


Cabalgata Reyes Magos
Three Kings procession celebrated on the evening of 5 January.

Día de la Candelaría
Celebrated the 2 February.

Celebrated in February.

Semana Santa
Holy Week (dates vary each year).

Ruta de la Tapa Cofrade
Celebrated each weekend during Lent.

Virgen de la Cabeza
Celebrated the 24 April.

San Isidro Labrador
Celebrated on 15 May.

Music festival celebrated the last weekend of June.

Mercado Medieval
Celebrated the first weekend of July.

Día de la Virgen del Campo
Celebrated the 8 September.

Feria Real de San Miguel
Celebrated the 29 September to 2 October.


The neighbouring villages to Cañete de las Torres are Bujalance, Porcuna, Castro del Río and Valenzuela.