Sierra Mágina

Sierra Mágina

The Sierra Mágina comarca or area of Jaen province is the mountain range in the southern part of the province.

The Sierra Mágina of Jaen consists of the following municipal districts.
Albanchez de Mágina, Bedmar y Garcíez, Bélmez de la Moraleda, Cabra del Santo Cristo, Cambil, Campillo de Arenas, Cárcheles, Huelma, Jimena, Jódar, Larva, Noalejo, Pegalajar, Torres.

30 kilometres east of the city of Jaén, within the Sierra de Mágina mountain range, lies Torres known for its summer funk festival.

45 kilometres east of the city of Jaén, within the Sierra de Mágina mountain range, lies Albánchez de Úbeda. Even from a distance, the village can be clearly recognised, its white buildings… More →

Areas of Jaén province
Areas of Jaén province
