by Saskia Mier

Escañuela is formed entirely of cultivated lands, dependent on the local olive monoculture. The small irrigation systems stemming from the Arroyo Salado de Arjona, once dedicated to herbaceous creeks, have been colonized by new olive plantations, which now provide an income to the town’s 940 inhabitants.


Archaeological remains found in the area surrounding Escañuela confirm that there has been human settlement in this municipality since the third millennium BC. In the place known as Pozo de Marisancho, remains of dark pottery from this period of the Copper Age have been found. Several sites are of interest in indicating the area’s Iberian past, including ceramics decorated with geometric motifs of bands or circles. More>


Iglesia Parroquial de San Pedro Ad Víncula
The completion of this parish church, dedicated San Pedro Ad Víncula, was continuously postponed until well into the nineteenth century owing to a trinity of local limitations; the absence of political autonomy, the inexistence of local nobility or bourgeoisie and the lack of economic resources. At the end of the nineteenth century, the church was built on a previous hermitage and cemetery, located next to it. It was from the 1860s to 70s that the works of the temple were promoted following the project of Vicente Serrano and built by José María de Cuenca. The tower, located on one side of the presbytery, has a square structure. The original spire has been replaced by a slender lantern that gives it a somewhat exotic air. In 1993, Luis Alonso Salcedo restored the tower giving it the eclectic air that it currently presents and also directed the works of the presbytery and the Ermita de la Virgen de los Remedios. Located in Plaza de la Constitución.(Location)

Aceites Azaharoliva
The olive oil mill of Aceites Azaharoliva is situated in a farmhouse whose construction dates back to the times of Queen Isabel II, when she gave a soldier she dearly trusted a manor in the lands of the town. Its first reform was carried out in 1948 and, in 2002, the original architecture of the stately farmhouse was recovered with special care, which imitates Granada’s Nasrid art in its forms. The mill was installed in 2002, and has the latest technology for the extraction of virgin olive oil (EVOO), a modern winery with steel tanks, a laboratory and a charming shop with a small packaging machine. Located on Avenida de Andalucía.(Location)

Opening Times:
Monday-Friday, 09:00-14:00hrs and 17:00-20:00hrs.
Tel: 953 34 52 16


Arroyo Salado
The Salado stream is also known as the “Escañuela stream”. Other smaller streams pour their waters into it, such as the Palomeque, the Salinas and the Berríos. The vegetation in the area is mainly reeds, together with broom and sedge. Rainier years favour the settlement of birds such as ducks, stilts and other species in these wetlands.

Merendero Municipal
The municipal recreation area has shaded parts for warmer summer months, benches, tables and water fountains. It is ideal for families to enjoy a picnic or simply some time outside playing in the open.


Dishes to try when visiting Escañuela include cascaporro (a popular summer tomato soup similar to gazpacho), ajo blanco (cold almond and garlic soup), potaje de bacalao (cod stew) and conejo al ajillo (rabbit in garlic). For something sweet and indulgent, try their arroz con castañas (rice pudding with chestnuts) and hornazos (sweet pastries dipped in honey).


Popular festivals in Escañuela are Romería de la Virgen de Alharilla, Fiesta de La Víncula and La Vinculilla. More>


The neighbouring villages to Escañuela are Arjona, Villardompardo, Fuerte del Rey and Porcuna.