by Saskia Mier

Lahiguera offers incredible views of the surrounding mountains of the province, as well as the Guadalquivir River, which borders part of the town. It has about 1,680 inhabitants.


The oldest documented occupation of Lahiguera dates back to the final Neolithic era, a period in which the agricultural economy began to be consolidated. This process led to the development of the Copper Age in the definitive sedentism of the village population. Between the fourth and third millenniums BC, there was a significant increase in human presence in the area, linked to the high-quality soils for agricultural use. More>


The most significant civil building is the Town Hall, which, built in 1914 and undergoing regular restoration since 1973, retains its original style. Its central part is recessed and its two lateral arms with a prismatic structure protrude to the outside. The building is symmetrical, with reinforced corners and gaps closed with segmental arches, all framing the entrance door and main balcony, from which commemorative acts are presided over. Located on Calle Ramon y Cajal.(Location)

Torreón de la Tercia
The tower has been demolished, but its rectangular floor plan of about 15x10 meters remains visible today, with a masonry factory arranged at its base. The upper elevation is made of mud and irregular masonry reinforced by courses and brick pillars. Located on Calle Iglesias.(Location)

Iglesia Antigua de Nuestra Señora María de la Consolación o de Jesús Nazareno
Also known as “Iglesia de Arriba”, the church next to Castillo de la Tercia was built at the end of the fifteenth century, to serve as the castle’s chapel. It has a single nave with a rectangular floor plan and a Latin cross shape, flanked by side chapels and presided over by a presbytery without an apse. In this line of austerity, a century later, the side portal was built: a lintel span with Tuscan pilasters, devoid of any further decorative elements. During the Spanish Civil War, the wooden altarpiece, presided over by the Señor de las Aguas, was destroyed. In 1949 it was replaced with another, chaired by the Señor de la Capilla, who provides the church with its other name. The current bell tower, which replaced a belfry that collapsed at the beginning of the twentieth century, was erected in 1956-57 on a square base with a prismatic shape. The main altar is decorated by a plaster altarpiece in the Neoclassical style, but was built in 1949. Located on Calle Iglesias.(Location)

Iglesia Nueva Nuestra Señora María de la Consolación
Also known as “Iglesis de Abajo”, this church was built from 1944 onwards. It has a longitudinal nave divided by semicircular arches into seven sections, and its flat head is covered by a vaulted rood. Its façade is sober, with a semicircular arch on the front that imitates the baroque typology in its composition. The lateral façade has another portal, little prominent stirrups and, in the upper part, between the panels, semicircular arches. Located on Calle Federico Garcia-Lorca.(Location)


Since Lahiguera is a country town, its traditional cuisine is typical of any rural community in the area. Dishes worth trying include ajo blanco (cold almond and garlic soup), gazpacho (cold tomato soup), bacalao de vigilia (cod), rollo de pescado (sword fish stuffed with prawns, rolled and fried), ensaladilla de pimiento (pepper salad) and mejillones rellenos (stuffed mussels). Sweet treats include madalenas (muffins), la manta (sponge caked filled with chocolate meringue), torrijas (eggy bread soaked in honey) and roscos de vino (aniseed biscuits).


Popular festivals in Lahiguera are Carnavales, Feria de San Juan de Bautista, Feria de Santa Clara de Asis and Semana Santa. More>


The neighbouring villages to Lahiguera are Andújar, Arjona, Villanueva de la Reina and Fuerte del Rey.