Arco del Barbudo

Arco del Barbudo

The arch was an integral part of the former Puerta de Baeza and constituted one of the entrances to the walled enclosure. It is named in honour of Martin Yañez de la Barbuda, Master of Alcántara , who in 1394 left through it to fight against the Moors of Granada. In 1447, the Benavides family, including his relative the poet Jorge Manrique, whose daughter was married to a Bevanides, entered the enclosure through this door in order to expel the Carvajales family from the Alcazar.

The harshness of the confrontation gave rise to an order from Queen Isabel la Católica to destroy the Alcazar and the main gates of the walled enclosure. The original document from this decisive moment is still retained in the municipal archives. It has been restored on different occasions. .


Located on Calle Conde Romamones.
